It is safer for your dog. The safety of your pup is the number one factor and it is your responsibility. Making sure your dog listens to you can prevent it from experiencing potential conflict with other dogs or wild animals, running into a busy road or other dangers.
Training your dog helps ensure that your living space is treated with respect. Introducing manners, setting boundaries and then being consistent with your dog means that it will know the difference between what is acceptable and unacceptable. It will also decrease the chance that the dog will chew your furniture, take food off of the counter or get into the recycling, among other nuisance behaviors.
It builds a lasting relationship between you and your dog. A training plan will establish a fundamental connection between you and your pup. Your dog will look to you for guidance when they're uncomfortable or unsure. As you spend time together, creating boundaries, sharing experiences and learning to understand each other, a mutual respect will develop. Your dog will learn to trust and respect your judgment, and you’ll gain admiration for their potential and capabilities. You become their leader.
It’s much easier when you take your dog out in public. We’ve all seen instances where it looks like a dog is taking its human for a walk. By training your dog and building its confidence around humans and its fellow dogs, your walks together will be an enjoyable experience for both of you. Your dog will learn to interact safely and effectively with others.
It’s easier to get medical help for your dog. Veterinarians should not have to risk their safety or the safety of their staff to work on a dog who is reacting dangerously. Pet owners who have not taken the time to desensitize their dog to being touched or worked on can risk overgrown nails, dental disease, untreated wounds or infections.
Practice Builds Confidence.
Contact us to find out how you can start your training!